The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications
Dec 12, 2014
MKLab participated again this year in the annual TRECVID benchmarking activity, organized by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). MKLab participated in four TRECVID tasks: Semantic Indexing (SIN), Event Detection in Internet Multimedia (MED), Multimedia Event Recounting (MER), and Instance Search (INS). Our results in these tasks were very good, significantly improving the results we had obtained in previous years.
Particularly for our participation in the Event Detection in Internet Multimedia (MED) task, we used a new, very fast machine learning method for big data problems, which we developed.
Dec 01, 2014
The paper "Brain source localization of MMN, P300 and N400: aging and gender differences" by A. Tsolaki, V. Kosmidou, L. Hadjileontiadis, I. Kompatsiaris and M. Tsolaki, has been accepted for publication in the Brain Research Journal, Elsevier (IF=2,828). This work has been supported by the ARISTEIA project CBP: Cognitive Brain signal Processing lab.
Nov 23, 2014
The paper "Fusion of meteorological and air quality data extracted from the web for personalized environmental information services" by L. Johansson, V. Epitropou, K. Karatzas, A. Karppinen, L. Wanner, S. Vrochidis, A. Bassoukos, J. Kukkonen, I. Kompatsiaris, has been accepted for publication in the Environmental Modelling & Software Journal, Elsevier (IF=4,538). This work has been supported by the FP7 project PESCaDO: Personalized Environmental Service Configuration and Delivery Orchestration.
Nov 20, 2014
A tutorial on “Video Hyperlinking” was delivered at two major scientific conferences, the IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP; Paris, France, Oct. 2014) and the ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia (ACMMM; Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2014), by Vasileios Mezaris (CERTH) and Benoit Huet (EURECOM). The slides of the tutorial, discussing various state of the art video analysis techniques (ranging from temporal video fragmentation to high-level description of the video’s content using concept and event labels) and their use towards video hyperlink generation, are available online, in three parts:
- PartA: Motivation and Vision, http://www.
Sep 15, 2014
The paper on “Multi-entity bayesian networks for knowledge-driven analysis of ICH content” by Giannis Chantas, Alexandros Kitsikidis, Spiros Nikolopoulos, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Stella Douka, Ioannis Kompatsiaris and Nikos Grammalidis received the Best Student Paper Award at the ECCV Workshop on Computer vision + ONTology Applied Cross-disciplinary Technologies, which was held in Zurich, Switzerland, in September 2014.
Sep 05, 2014
The Dem@Care Lab Ontology for Dementia Assessement has been integrated in the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) dataset, enabling its sharing and reuse by other datasets in the Linked Data Cloud (a human-readable description of the vocabulary is available here). The ontology has been developed in the framework of the Dem@Care project for representing the experimentation protocol towards diagnostic support and assessment of Dementia in a controlled environment. The aim of the protocol is to provide a brief overview of their health status of the participants during consultation (cognition, behaviours and function), and to correlate the system (sensor) data with the data collected using typical dementia care assessment tools.
Sep 01, 2014
A tribute article in the Pattern Recognition Letters on the late CERTH – ITI director Prof. Maria Petrou, describing her research and administration activities and achievements as director of CERTH-ITI.
Jul 21, 2014
We are happy to announce the new website ( of ImproveMyCity. You can visit the new site to: a) Get informed about the updated list of features, explaining also how they are used to facilitate the service model of ImproveMyCity (Report - Administer - Analyze), b) Interact with a fully functional Live Demo where anyone can have a “hands on” experience of the Reporting, Administration & Analytics services offered by the platform, c) Witness ImproveMyCity going global through a map that shows all active installations around the world (linking to the original websites), and d) Get a price for a number of additional tools and services that can leverage the ImproveMyCity experience.
Jul 04, 2014
The paper on "Knowledge-driven Activity Recognition and Segmentation Using Context Connections" by Georgios Meditskos, Efstratios Kontopoulos and Ioannis Kompatsiaris has been accepted to the research track of the International Semantic Web Conference 2014, which will be held in Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, 19-23 October 2014 (acceptance rate: 21.1% / 180 full submissions, 29 accepted, 9 conditionally accepted).