The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

H2020 - MAMEM's website is launched

The H2020 project MAMEM, started in May 1st, 2015, aims at integrating people with disabilities back into society by endowing them with the critical skill of managing and authoring multimedia content using novel and more natural interface channels. These channels will be controlled by eye-movements and mental commands, significantly increasing the potential for communication and exchange in leisure and non-leisure context. MAMEM's website adopts a rather unconventional design with the intention to become the project's "

Corporate Social Responsibility Metrics Retrieval tool

We are making available a new demo for the extraction of Corporate Responsibility Metrics in companies. The tool, which has been developed in the context of the Wikirate project, exploits information extraction techniques to fetch articles and metrics from relevant websites concerning the corporate sustainability practices of thousands of companies. As many as 17,000 articles have been retrieved for 7,000 companies in the Human Rights domain, while 57,000 metrics were extracted regarding their Corporate Responsibility behaviour.

Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Video and Image Analytics, in conjunction with ISWC 2015

1st Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Video and Image Analytics, in conjunction with ISWC 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, October 11-15, 2015 ( IMPORTANT DATES - Submission deadline: July 1, 2015 - Notifications: July 31, 2015 - Camera ready version: August 21, 2015 - Workshop: October 11-12, 2015 SCOPE AND MOTIVATION In the last years, a substantial body of work has focused on the development of cognitive approaches leveraging on a symbolic model representation of the objects belonging to a scene and their relations.

Dem@Care at ESWC2015 EU Project Networking Session

Dem@Care has been accepted at the EU Project Networking Session at ESWC 2015 that will take place on June 3, 2015 in Portoroz, Slovenia.    Dem@Care provides an integrated solution for personal health services to individuals with dementia, as well as medical professionals and caregivers, by using a multitude of sensors, context-aware, multi-parametric monitoring of life-style, ambient environment and health parameters. In ESWC2015, Dem@Care will present the knowledge representation and semantic reasoning features underpinning the platform, which delivers a multi-parametric monitoring framework that sustains semantic, context-aware, personalized and adaptive feedback mechanisms for the remote management of people with dementia  

MKLab collaborates in project to predict UK general election result

Researchers from Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory collaborate with the University of Warwick and City University of London on a project where Twitter signals are leveraged to predict the outcome of the UK general election. They believe that their forecasts could be more accurate than traditional opinion polls.   Together, the team is using a framework that harvests political tweets, extracts various features about every party (e.g. volume of discussions) and then injects this information into public polling reports, producing a daily prediction of voting share.

H2020-KRISTINA launches a new website!

The H2020 project KRISTINA, started in March 1st, 2015, aims at developing a multilingual human-like socially competent agent that serves as a trusted information provision in questions related to basic care and healthcare. Read more in the new KRISTINA website here.

ITI becomes associate member of the Big Data Value Association

ITI and the Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Lab have been accepted as associate member of the Big Data Value Association ( The aim of the BDVA is to provide a platform for stakeholders from the Big Data Value community in Europe to easily access information, exchange ideas and respond to activities concerning a Big Data Value initiative that is currently taking form at EU level. As a member, ITI and MKLab will contribute to the different task forces and activities of the association.

Two new H2020 projects are starting in spring 2015!

MKLab participates in two new Horizon 2020 projects: STEP and KRISTINA, which are starting in spring 2015. STEP deals with developing a cloud eParticipation SaaS platform, enhanced with web/social media mining, gamification, machine translation, and visualisation features, which will promote the societal and political participation of young people in the decision-making process on environmental issues. KRISTINA aims at developing a human-like socially competent agent that serves for migrants with language and cultural barriers in the host country as a trusted information provision party and mediator in questions related to basic care and healthcare.

We are happy to announce the availability of a valuable resource for the Multimedia and Computer Vision community

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BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

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Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

Motorola Logo

The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research