The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

SEMAPRO 2019 2nd Best Paper Award

We are glad to announce that our paper entitled "Static and Dynamic Haptograms to Communicate Semantic Content Towards Enabling Face-to-Face Communication for People with Deafblindness", by S. Darányi, N. Olson, M. Riga, E. Kontopoulos and I. Kompatsiaris, has been awarded with the 2nd prize for best paper award of those presented at the SEMAPRO 2019 conference, which was held in Porto during September 22-26, 2019. The paper was presented in the SyMpATHY special track and describes the use of static and dynamic haptograms for the communication between deafblind and non-deafblind users.

iMCL2019 - Best Work-in-Progress Paper Award

We are very delighted and proud to announce that our paper presenting the initial results of the SMART-WATER project received the best Work-in-Progress paper award at 2019 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL 2019), which took place at October in Thessaloniki, Greece. Τhe award-winning publication is titled "Work-In-Progress: SMART-WATER, a Novel Telemetry and Remote Control System Infrastructure for the Management of Water Consumption in Thessaloniki"

SEMAPRO 2019 Best Paper Award

We are glad to announce that our paper with title "Knowledge-based Intelligence and Strategy Learning for Personalised Virtual Assistance in the Healthcare Domain", by E. Kamateri, G. Meditskos, S. Symeonidis, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris and W. Minker, has been awarded as one of the top papers of the SEMAPRO 2019 conference that has been held in Porto during September 22-26, 2019. The paper was presented in the SyMpATHY special track and describes a novel virtual assistant framework that aggregates ontologies, semantic reasoning, dialogue management and policy learning techniques to support advanced task-oriented conversations extended by ”chatty” style dialogues.

Video Verification in the Fake News Era book just published.

This book presents the latest technological advances and practical tools for discovering, verifying and visualizing social media video content, and managing related rights. The digital media revolution is bringing breaking news to online video platforms, and news organizations often rely on user-generated recordings of new and developing events shared in social media to illustrate the story. However, in video, there is also deception. In today's "fake news" era, access to increasingly sophisticated editing and content management tools and the ease with which fake information spreads in electronic networks, require the entire news and media industries to carefully verify third-party content before publishing it.

MKLab launches Media Verification portal

In MKLab, we have been very active in recent years in the area of media-based online disinformation, conducting research in tools and technologies that help detect, study and combat online disinformation. In order to be more effective in spreading the word about our latest activities and results in this area, we have recently launched MeVer, the Media Verification team [website] and [Twitter account]. We plan to keep them updated with our recent progress, our results (tools, code, datasets) and experiences (e.

The Ever Growing Use of Copernicus across Europe’s Regions

The European Commission, the European Space Agency and NEREUS – the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies published a collection of articles which document, for a non-specialist audience, the growing capabilities of European regions to benefit from Copernicus Sentinel data and information. This collection provides an updated snapshot of how Copernicus is being used, primarily by public authorities at local and regional levels. The current publication portrays 99 Copernicus user stories submitted by authors from almost all of the Copernicus Participating Countries.

H2020 Project SUITCEYES at the SEMAPRO 2019 Conference

The SUITCEYES consortium is very happy to announce that a special track proposed by project partners CERTH and HB was accepted by the organizers of the SEMAPRO 2019 conference, which will take place the coming September in Porto, Portugal. The special track is titled "SyMpATHY: Semantic Technologies for Healthcare and Accessibility Applications" and will be chaired by Dr. Efstratios Kontopoulos, Prof. Em. Sándor Darányi, and Ms. Marina Riga. As its name indicates, the special track aims to serve as a venue for presenting and discussing novel ideas, experiences and open problems in the application of semantic and web technologies in the domains of healthcare and accessibility.

New Book on "Big Data Analytics for Large-Scale Multimedia Search"

MKLab researchers in cooperation with high profile academics and Wiley published a new book on Big Data Analytics for Large-Scale Multimedia Search. The book discusses a timely overview of cutting edge technologies for multimedia retrieval with a special emphasis on scalability. The amount of multimedia data available every day is enormous and is growing at an exponential rate, creating a great need for new and more efficient approaches for large scale multimedia search.

9-11/03/2019 MKLab@SXSW2019

Between 9/3 and 11/3, we were at the South by Southwest (SXSW 2019) festival at Austin Texas, to present the WeVerify and InVID projects as part of the EU House at SXSW (EU@SXSW). It was an opportunity to demonstrate our work to a broad US-based audience, and to participate in the ongoing discussions about the hottest emerging issues in media and tech with some of the most important players in the field.

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

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Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

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The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research