The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

"Earthquakes: From Twitter Detection to EO Data Processing" – New joint publication as an outcome of the EOPEN-BETTER synergy

The “H2020 Earth Observation Big Data Hackathon”, co-organised by five now completed EU Horizon 2020 projects in the “EO Big Data Shift” topic, sparked the synergy between EOPEN and BETTER, and in particular between CERTH’s M4D/MKLab, ETH’s Department of Earth Sciences, Elecnor Deimos and Terradue Srl. This successful collaboration was captured with the recent publication of a joint article titled “Earthquakes: From Twitter Detection to EO Data Processing” in IEEE’s Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

Πρόσκληση για συμμετοχή σε μελέτη με σκοπό την έγκαιρη διάγνωση της νόσου Alzheimer

Το Εργαστήριο Γνώσης Πολυμέσων και Ανάλυσης Κοινωνικών Δικτύων του Εθνικού Κέντρου Έρευνας και Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΚΕΤΑ) σε συνεργασία με την Ελληνική Εταιρεία Νόσου Alzheimer και Συναφών Διαταραχών διεξάγουν μελέτη για ενήλικες άνω των 55 ετών που στόχο έχει την εύρεση νέων εργαλείων για την έγκαιρη διάγνωση της νόσου Alzheimer. Στο πλαίσιο της μελέτης, όσοι συμμετάσχουν σε αυτήν, θα πραγματοποιούν επίσκεψη (αυθημερόν) ή και διαμονή (για μία προαιρετική διανυκτέρευση) στην πλήρως εξοπλισμένη μονοκατοικία «Έξυπνο Σπίτι του ΕΚEΤΑ» το οποίο βρίσκεται στις εγκαταστάσεις του ΕΚΕΤΑ στη Θέρμη.

WaterMM Task at MediaEval 2021

MKLab in cooperation with the Eastern Alps River Basin District invites you to the “WaterMM: Water Quality in Social Multimedia” task at MediaEval 2021, a multimedia evaluation benchmark that is dedicated to evaluating new algorithms for multimedia access and retrieval. The WaterMM task deals with the analysis of social media posts from Twitter concerning issues of water quality, safety and security. Because the occurrence of words/phrases about the quality of drinking water (e.

Article in Greek Media about our PrescIT project

An article about the PrescIT project, coordinated by our lab, published in Greek media, explains its aspiring goals and process. PrescIT aims to transform and expedite the workflow of medical experts by providing a smart, personalized and interoperable e-Prescription Platform. In detail, will enhance the current e-Prescription practices with: Intelligence, by leveraging Big Data on drugs, disease and therapeutic protocols to advise and alert doctors in case of Drug Adverse Reactions (ADRs) and undesired Drug-to-Drug Interactions (DDIs) Personalization, by combining information from the patient's Electronic Health Records (EHR) to provide recommendations Interoperability, by integrating with Hospital Management Systems (HMS), private practice software and most importantly, the national prescription system in Greece, e-prescription.

Dr. Yiannis Kompatsiaris ranked 16th in the list of top computer scientists in Greece by Guide2Research

Guide2Research has just released the 7th Edition of the 2021 Ranking of Top Scientists in the field of Computer Science and Electronics. The ranking is based on the H-Index metric provided by Google Scholar and DBLP and includes only leading scientists with an H-index of at least 40. The head of our lab, Dr. Yiannis Kompatsiaris is ranked 16th in computer scientists in Greece: This is a recognition of all MKLab members!

MKLab will be the host of ACM ICMR 2023, which will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece

MKLab will be the host of ACM ICMR 2023, which will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Following its tradition, the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval in 2023 will present significant and innovative research in multimedia retrieval and related fields. The scope of the conference includes core topics in multimedia retrieval and recommendation, as well as the broader set of topics that must be addressed to ensure that multimedia retrieval technologies are of practical use in real-world use cases.

Dr Yiannis Kompatsiaris, head of our lab, has been recognized as an ACM Senior Member

Very glad to announce that Dr Yiannis Kompatsiaris, head of our lab, has been recognized as an ACM Senior Member. The Senior Members Grade of ACM recognizes ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience who have demonstrated performance through technical leadership, and technical or professional contributions. As one of ACM’s prestigious Advanced Member Grades, ACM Senior Member status recognizes the top 25% of ACM Professional Members for their demonstrated excellence in the computing field.

Interview about our participation in the XR4DRAMA project

XR4DRAMA, a project coordinated by our lab, interviewed the Project Technical Coordinator Sotiris Diplaris presenting our project team, our expertise and involvement in XR4DRAMA, as well as the expected challenges and outcomes of the project. XR4DRAMA utilises several XR technologies towards improving significant parts of our lives that depend on situation awareness and decision making. Read full inteview here:

The ultimate platform to handle extreme weather events! The European Commission has officially labelled Η2020 beAWARE (coordinated by MKLab) as a “success story”!

As stated in the EC article, the beAWARE platform is much more than a crisis management platform to help authorities, first responders and citizens. It should rather be seen as a combination of relevant state-of-the-art technologies spread across different components and applications. It encompasses a protection and rescue service, it can be used for risk assessment (including scenario building), and it supports the core functions of call centres (public safety answering point or PSAP).

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

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Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

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The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research