The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

Succesful participation of CERTH-ITI in interactive known-item video search of TRECVID 2012

CERTH-ITI participated to the Known-Item Search (KIS) Taskof TRECVID 2012 with the interactive video retrieval engine VERGE. VERGE results achieved the second place, among the submissions made by all institutions participating to TRECVID 2012 KIS task (19 runs from 5 different institutions) with interactive systems. The latest version of VERGE supports advanced retrieval functionalities including visual similarity search, visual concept-based retrieval, video similarity based on PLSA and full text search, as well as two different representations (i.

Best moderated poster award at ESC 2012

The paper entitled "Plaques with increased lipid core and thin fibrous cap occur in coronary artery regions with low endothelial shear stress: A 3D Optical coherence tomography pilot study in human", which was presented in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2012 (ESC 2012), received the "Best Moderated Poster" award. Read more here.

CERTH participated in the ImageCLEF 2012 Flickr photo annotation task

  CERTH participated in ImageCLEF Photo Annotation and Retrieval 2012, and more specifically in the first subtask, namely Visual and Concept detection, annotation using Flickr photos. The objective of taking part in the competition was to evaluate two multimedia indexing approaches developed within SocialSensor and to compare the performance of methods using different sets of image features. The first of the tested approaches constructs a similarity graph that includes both train and test images and trains concepts detectors using the graph Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE) as features.

Social media mining and multimedia analysis research and applications

Seminar at the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP), University of Surrey, "Social media mining and multimedia analysis research and applications". The presentation slides of the seminar are available here.

Special Issue on Social Media as Sensors IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS - DEADLINE EXTENSION  SUBMISSION DUE DATE: 7-September-2012 Web 2.0 applications and social media have transformed the Web into an interactive sharing platform where users upload data and media, comment on and share this content within their social circles. Each content item is associated with an abundance of metadata and related information such as location, tags, comments, favourites, access patterns and logs etc. At the same time all this information is implicitly or explicitly interconnected based on various properties such as social links between users, groups, communities, etc.

International Workshop on Search Computing

An event organized by the Networked Media EC Unit and Media Search Cluster that will offer a unique opportunity for the discussion of the key research, business and socio-economic issues in search computing. It will also enable concrete networking occasion towards upcoming Call 10. Visit the Web page at:

Multimedia Group participates in the PANACEA project

The Multimedia Group participates in the nationally funded project PANACEA, which aims to build an intelligent recommendation system to effectively propose drug therapies that will support and facilitate health professionals, ensuring faster and safer administration of drugs. For this purpose, PANACEA will make use of Semantic Web technologies for the formal representation of the involved knowledge and to provide automated inference. Read more at

Mobile photo browsing and tagging demo won the demo award @ ICMR 2012

ClustTour, a city browsing and photo tagging mobile app, won the demo award at this year's International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2012) in Hong Kong. The app, which is available for free on the app store, supports efficient browsing and tagging of landmark and event photos. The application employs a hierarchical mode of exploration enabling zooming from the level of a city, through the level of an area/neighbourhood, down to the level of a specific spot.

Live+Gov project presented at MOBIB 2012 - Pan European Partnership and Investment for Mobile Services.

In MOBIB2012 a two day conference that is gradually becoming a meeting point between SMEs, professional experts, corporate partners and venture capital investors interested in knowledge-sharing on strategic information, market opportunities and new business trends in the Mobile Value-Added Services industry, the ITI team had the opportunity to present the mobile-related technologies envisaged by the recently started EU-project Live+Gov (Reality Sensing, Mining and Augmentation for Mobile Citizen-eGovernment Dialogue).

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

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Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

Motorola Logo

The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research