The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

PostDoctoral Researcher/Research Assistant Positions at ITI/CERTH, Greece

The Information Technologies Institute of the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas invites applications for one PostDoc and two Research Assistant positions in association with the European projects Dem@Care and PERICLES.

ITI/CERTH establishes cooperation with Hellenic Police/Forensic Sciences Subdivision of Northern Greece

The growth of electronic crime has called for the development of advanced analysis tools that could facilitate the tasks of digital forensic examiners. In this context, ITI/CERTH has established cooperation with Hellenic Police/Forensic Sciences Subdivision of Northern Greece, in order to integrate innovative multimedia technologies into dedicated forensic tools that could support the investigations of electronic crime. During this cooperation, ITI/CERTH with the guidance of Hellenic Police has developed an interactive multimedia content-based search engine that is capable of retrieving multimedia content and automatically recognizing pornographic material.

Improve My City Mobile available on Github under A-GPL

ImproveMyCityMobile is an open source smartphone application for Android devices that allows citizens to report all types of issues related to their neighborhood. It is now available on Github

Multimedia Group @ ICIP 2013

Three papers from the Multimedia Group of the Information Technologies Institute will be presented in the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2013), which will be held in Melbourne, Australia on September 15-18, 2013. ICIP, sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is among the top international conferences in theoretical, experimental, and applied image and video processing. The papers are: Video Event Recounting Using Mixture Subclass Discriminant Analysis, by Nikolaos Gkalelis, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris and Tania Stathaki.

Sense the City

Sense the City is an application that allows citizens to get real time information regarding the environmental conditions in their city. This information is retrieved from several sensors that "sense" the city providing environmental measurements, such as temperature and concentration of pollutants (e.g. CO, CO2, NO2) that affect the air quality. Sense the City is a web based application that has been developed within the European Project PEOPLE, in close cooperation with the Municipality of Thermi and user groups.

Best Paper Honorable Mention at MMM2013, Huangshan, China

The paper "Semi-supervised concept detection by learning the structure of similarity graphs" by Symeon Papadopoulos, Christos Sagonas, Yiannis Kompatsiaris and Athena Vakali won a Best Paper Honorable Mention in the International Conference in Multimedia Modeling that took place in Huangshan, China between 7 and 9 January 2013. The paper was selected out of 96 papers, 43 oral presentations and 53 poster papers that were accepted by the conference (27% acceptance rate for oral, 44% overall acceptance rate).

Improve My City Mobile - Android version

The mobile application enables citizens to report local problems such as potholes, illegal trash dumping, faulty street lights, broken tiles on sidewalks, and illegal advertising boards. The submitted issues are displayed on the city's map. Users may add photos and comments. Moreover, they can suggest solutions for improving the environment of their neighbourhood. The web based application has been developed within the European Project PEOPLE, in close cooperation with the Municipality of Thermi and user groups.

Audio and Video recordings in the Greek Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

Within the framework of Dem@Care and in co-operation with IBM, CERTH and the Greek Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, audio and video recordings have been performed in Thessaloniki with participants from the Greek Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. The participants were elderly people at the early stage of dementia, with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy people with similar age range and demographic attributes. Find out more.

CERTH participation in the Social Event Detection task @ MediaEval 2012

  CERTH-ITI successfully participated in the Social Event Detection task of the MediaEval 2012 workshop. MediaEval, a workshop focused on focused evaluation tasks with respect to multimedia analysis, took place in Pisa, Italy (4-5 October 2012). CERTH took part in the Social Event Detection (SED) task that involved three challenges: (a) detection of technical events in Germany, (b) soccer events in two major European cities, (c) detection of Indignados events in Madrid. All challenges were defined on a large set of over 160,000 images from Flickr.

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

imc logo

Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

Motorola Logo

The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research