The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

MKLab participation in the European Project Networking Session at ESWC 2014

MKLab had an active presence and participation in the European Project Networking Session at 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2014) by presenting three ongoing FP7 European research projects namely PERICLES, MULTISENSOR and LinkedTV. The ESWC is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. ESWC 2014 took place on May 27, 2014 at Anissaras, Limenas Hersonissou, Crete, Greece. Overall, thirty (30) projects were presented during the session with highly diverse but extremely appealing thematic topics.

3rd MUMIA Training School - Information Retrieval and Interactive Information Access

The Third MUMIA training Summer school on "Information Retrieval and Interactive Information Access" is taking place at Heraklion, Crete, Greece on July 21-25, 2014. The aim of Training School is to give participants grounding in the core topics that constitute the interdisciplinary area of Multilingual and Multifaceted Interactive Information Access. The school is a week-long event consisting of lecturers from MUMIA and invited speakers. Among them, Stefanos Vrochidis of ITI-CERTH will be giving a lecture on "

Best Poster Award at IDCC 2014

The PERICLES project was proudly presented in one of the most important digital data related events in Europe and North America. The 9th International Digital Curation Conference, held this year in San Francisco, offered to its delegates a deep insight about the data-driven transformations in research, education, business and society. Our poster managed to win the best poster award out of many very interesting and fascinating projects.

Best Paper Award at MMM'14, Dublin, Ireland

The paper on “A Comparative Study on the Use of Multi-Label Classification Techniques for Concept-Based Video Indexing and Annotation” by Fotini Markatopoulou, Vasileios Mezaris and Ioannis Kompatsiaris received the Best Paper Award at the 20th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM'14), which was held in Dublin, Ireland, in January 2014.

MKLab contributes to NEM position paper on Big and Open Data

Members of the MKLab team have contributed to the writing of the NEM position paper on Big and Open Data Challenges and Technologies that has just been recently released on the NEM website. From the NEM community perspective, Big and Open data is becoming a hot topic as far as most of the content will be stored in the future in data centers and there is a need to optimize the usage of such infrastructure.

Best poster award in G.D. Behrakis Cardiovascular Symposium in Vascular Biology 2013

The poster entitled "Geometrically-Correct 3D OCT: A Novel Imaging Method for the Identification of High-Risk Coronary Plaque", which was co-authored by Multimedia Group and was presented in the G.D. Behrakis Cardiovascular Symposium in Vascular Biology 2013, received the best poster award. The Symposium was held at November 14, 2013, in Boston, MA, USA. The poster can be found here .

GNORASI workshop

Knowledge and processing algorithms for remote sensing data. December 2, 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece.Visit workshop site and register for your participation online.

Improve My City Mobile – iPhone version

The mobile version of Improve My City is now available for iPhone users. Totally redesigned, both the iPhone and Android versions offer an exciting experience for the citizens to improve their city in collaboration with their administration. Visit the Improve My City web page for more.

GPU-accelerated LIBSVM - New version

A new version of GPU-accelerated LIBSVM has been released. Version 1.2 supports the latest  LIBSVM v3.17 & CUDA SDK 5.5. The binary and source files for both Windows and Linux are now available on Github, as well as under Take a look at for a detailed change log.

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

imc logo

Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

Motorola Logo

The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research