"Supporting Copernicus through Big data and Artificial Intelligence" - Joint Event organised by European projects

Four EU projects, namely CALLISTO (where M4D/MKLab is the Scientific & Technical Manager), CENTURION, DeepCube and Global Earth Monitor (GEM), funded under the Horizon 2020 call DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020 are inviting any interested parties to their joint event with the title: “Supporting Copernicus through Big data and Artificial Intelligence”. The event will take place within EU Space Week 2022 on October 6th, at 13:30-15:00 CEST at Hall C of the Prague Expo. EU Space Week is the go-to event for Europe’s space community and this year it will be realised on October 3rd-6th in Prague, Czech Republic. EU Space Week is jointly organised by the European Commission and the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) in collaboration with the Czech Presidency of the Council and the City of Prague. It will gather all the major EU Space industry voices, stakeholders and innovators for an insightful week full of inspiring speeches, discussions and innovation.
By being part of EU Space Week, the DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020 projects, whose aim is to increase the use and uptake of Copernicus services, will have the opportunity to present to the wider EU Space community their objectives, key results and real-world implementation cases. Anyone interested in Earth Observation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, is welcome to join CALLISTO, CENTURION, DeepCube, and GEM to exchange ideas and learnings in these domains.
You can find all the details of the event here: https://jointevent.callisto-h2020.eu/
Brief information about the projects
CALLISTO aims to provide an interoperable Big Data platform integrating data from various sources to bridge the gap between Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) providers and application end-users through dedicated Artificial Intelligence solutions.
CENTURION aims to combine and advance ground-breaking innovations in spatio-temporal datacubes and AI-as-a-Service, creating a platform to unleash Copernicus data use for both EO and non-EO markets.
DeepCube aims to unlock the potential of big Copernicus data, leveraging on advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web. Its goal is to address ambitious problems that imply high environmental and societal impact and to enhance our understanding of Earth’s processes that are correlated with Climate Change.
GEM aims to address the challenge of continuous monitoring of large areas in a sustainable cost-effective way. The goal of the project is to establish a new disruptive Earth Observation Data - Exploitation model which will dramatically enhance the exploitation of Copernicus data.
Eliana Li Santi, Project Coordinator of CALLISTO, Project Manager at Serco
Stelios Andreadis, Technical Management of CALLISTO, Research Associate at Centre for Research & Technology Hellas
Ilias Gialampoukidis, Scientific and Technical Management of CALLISTO, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Centre for Research & Technology Hellas
Taras Matselyukh, Technical Manager of CENTURION, CEO/CTO at OPT/NET BV
Deep Cube
Ioannis Papoutsis, Project Coordinator of DeepCube, Senior Researcher at National Observatory of Athens
Matej Batič, Project Manager of Global Earth Monitor, Earth Observation Research Team Lead at Sinergise