SEMAPRO 2019 Best Paper Award

We are glad to announce that our paper with title "Knowledge-based Intelligence and Strategy Learning for Personalised Virtual Assistance in the Healthcare Domain", by E. Kamateri, G. Meditskos, S. Symeonidis, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris and W. Minker, has been awarded as one of the top papers of the SEMAPRO 2019 conference that has been held in Porto during September 22-26, 2019.
The paper was presented in the SyMpATHY special track and describes a novel virtual assistant framework that aggregates ontologies, semantic reasoning, dialogue management and policy learning techniques to support advanced task-oriented conversations extended by ”chatty” style dialogues.
The work has been carried out within the context of the REA project that aims to combine Assistive Living technologies with intelligent interfaces and advanced dialogue systems to support patients and clinical personnel in rehabilitation centers and home environments.