Lecture Invitation - Semantics, Context, and Friends

Πρόσκληση σε διάλεξη - Lecture Invitation -- Semantics, Context, and Friends

To Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής και Τηλεματικής σας προσκαλεί την Τετάρτη 22 Ιουλίου και ώρα 12:00 στην αίθουσα Ζέφυρος του Τεχνολογικού Πάρκου (Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης) στη διάλεξη του Simone Santini (http://arantxa.ii.uam.es/~ssantini/), Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, με θέμα: "SEMANTICS, CONTEXT, AND FRIENDS".

Informatics and Telematics Institute invites you to the lecture given by Simone Santini (http://arantxa.ii.uam.es/~ssantini/), Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, on "SEMANTICS, CONTEXT, AND FRIENDS", on Wednesday, 22 July, at 12:00 in the roon Zephyros of Centre of Research and Technology Hellas.Abstract In this "spoken business card", I will try to briefly describe that part of my current activities that has some relevance to semantic issues. I am considering semantics under two aspects (symbolized, in  the title, by the words "context" and "friends"). The first is the autonomous creation of meaning by the searcher during the search  process. In this process, I argue, the context in which any particular  search is made plays as important a role as the contents of the documents that are being searched, so that one should devote at least as much effort to model the context of a search as it is given to modeling the contents of documents. I will present our efforts in this direction, especially in the use of the contents of one's working directories as representative of the context in which a search is made during a particular activity.

The second aspect is the community creation of meaning. In this area I am working with the University of Milano on the way in which the members of photo-sharing communities can be used as "semantic classifiers" for the photos that one user is placing on the internet. The friends (wizards) that are considered as most useful cor the kind of classification that the given user (the apprentice) is doing are retained in a pool that is updated dynamically using principles akin to genetic algorithms. The photos of these wisards are used as classifiers to suggest possible classifications to the apprentice.