The Lab has extensive experience and expertise in semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, social media and big data analytics, knowledge structures, reasoning and personalization for multimedia applications, eHealth and environmental applications

MKLAB participated in the Video Retrieval Competition 2025 with VERGE

ΜKLab participated in The Video Retrieval Competition 2025, with the VERGE system, an interactive video content retrieval system designed for browsing a collection of images extracted from videos and conducting targeted content searches. VERGE incorporates a variety of retrieval methods and fusion techniques. It also offers a user-friendly web application for query formulation and displaying top results. VBS is an international video content search competition that evaluates the state-of-the-art of interactive video retrieval systems.

The M4DTeam in 1st Automation and Robotics Expo

The M4D/MKLab-ITI-CERTH team successfully participated in the 1st Robotic and Automation Expo held in Athens, Greece from April 12th to 14th, representing CERTH alongside ITI Robotics Lab. Throughout the three-day event, M4D researchers showcased the successful outcomes of various ongoing and concluded EU-Horizon Research and Innovation projects, including ASHVIN, ISOLA, LAW GAME, and DIH^2. In addition to videos, leaflets, and banners, M4D provided live virtual reality demonstrations of the LAW-GAME project, aimed at enhancing the training of law enforcement personnel in crime scene detection, evaluation, and analysis.

Best Full Paper Award IMCL 2023

We are excited to share the Best Full Paper Award at the 2023 International Confer-ence on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL). M4D/MKLab group researchers led the authoring of the award-winning paper “Evaluation of Explainable Artificial Intelligence methods in Language Learning Classification of Spanish Tertiary Students”. In the language learning domain, teachers face challeng-es regarding the classification of the students’ learning capabilities and building the appropriate learning path for them.

MKLab in the Kick-off of PREDICTOM, a Horizon Europe and Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI) Project for Early Alzheimer’s Detection

On November 15-16, 2023, in Stavanger, Norway, the Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory participated in the kick off meeting launching the activities of PREDICTOM. This €21 million investment, funded by Horizon Europe and IHI, aims to advance early detection methods for Alzheimer’s disease. PREDICTOM's potential lies in its innovative approach to biosample collection, coupled with AI-based dementia risk prediction. The project not only holds promise for enhancing dementia management at the national and European levels but also strives to make screening and diagnosis more accessible and tailored to individual patient needs.

Τhe M4D/MKLab-ITI-CERTH Team breaks a new ground in autonomous surveillance and security measures in the presence of the General Secretary of the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation (GSRI), Athanasios Kyriazis

On November 8, 2023, the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) was honored to host the General Secretary of the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation (GSRI), Athanasios Kyriazis. A key highlight of Kyriazis's visit was a comprehensive demonstration of a groundbreaking remote surveillance system for an autonomous swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with enhanced cognitive capabilities.   P.1 Dr. Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Dr.

Mklab co-organizes a Special Issue on Future Trends of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in Electronics MDPI Journal

Mklab participates at the editorial committee of the Special Issue and is represented by Dr. Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Dr. Sotiris Diplaris and Dr. Stefanos Vrochidis. This Special Issue aims to investigate the future trends of AI and big data, as well as their influence on various domains. Extended reality, art and culture, multimodal analysis, and multimedia retrieval are just a few of the areas that will be explored. We welcome original research papers and review articles that delve into topics such as edge computing, personalized medicine, ethics and the responsible use of AI, and natural language understanding, among others.

"IPAS’22: Best Session Paper Award for the Research Group M4D/MKLab of ITI-CERTH"

The research paper entitled ‘Vehicle Color Identification Framework using Pixel-level color Estimation from Segmentation Masks of Car Parts’ wins the Best Session Award Certificate under the category Image and Video Processing for Smart City and Smart Environments! The research was conducted by M4D, the Multimodal Data Fusion and Analytics Group, as part of the Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory, and was presented by Mr. Stavrothanasopoulos during the Image Processing Applications and Systems (IPAS’22) conference in Genova between the 5th to the 7th of December 2022.

"Supporting Copernicus through Big data and Artificial Intelligence" - Joint Event organised by European projects

Four EU projects, namely CALLISTO (where M4D/MKLab is the Scientific & Technical Manager), CENTURION, DeepCube and Global Earth Monitor (GEM), funded under the Horizon 2020 call DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020 are inviting any interested parties to their joint event with the title: “Supporting Copernicus through Big data and Artificial Intelligence”. The event will take place within EU Space Week 2022 on October 6th, at 13:30-15:00 CEST at Hall C of the Prague Expo. EU Space Week is the go-to event for Europe’s space community and this year it will be realised on October 3rd-6th in Prague, Czech Republic.

DisasterMM Task at MediaEval 2022

M4D/MKLab in cooperation with the Eastern Alps River Basin District invites you to the “DisasterMM: Multimedia Analysis of Disaster-Related Social Media Data” task at MediaEval 2022, a multimedia evaluation benchmark that is dedicated to evaluating new algorithms for multimedia access and retrieval. The DisasterMM task concerns the multimedia analysis of social media data, specifically posts from the popular platform of Twitter, that relate to natural or manmade disasters; this year, in particular, the disaster of floods.

BDV associate member

Improve My City Mobile

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Improve My City Mobile, allows citizens to report local problems and suggest solutions for improving their neighbourhood. Learn more...

Motorola collaborations

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The Multimedia Group has been collaborating with Motorola in several Motorola funded R&D projects.


NVIDIA links Multimedia Group for the GPU-LIBSVM implementation

HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research